Paddy’s “Your Local Market” Campaign – Registration of Interest

In 2016 Paddy’s is extending the “Your local market” campaign to cinema and local area marketing.

All Paddy’s major categories will feature in this campaign, which is designed to attract people living close to Paddy’s locations.

Still photographs will be taken of traders within specific categories (e.g. fresh food, ladies fashion, toys etc.). These images will be digitally animated for cinema and online advertisements and will feature the tagline: “Your local market for … [e.g. Ladies Fashion]”. Each video campaign will be supported by a local flyer campaign featuring similar artwork.

Traders wishing to appear in these advertisements are asked to register their interest by completing this form. This is a registration of interest only, traders will be asked to provide further information, which will also be published on the Paddy’s app, upon their inclusion in the campaign.

As a participant in this campaign, you will agree to the use of your image, stand, first name and/or business name in these advertisements.

Registered traders will be grouped and advertisements created in a way which provides fair coverage for each trader. In the event of too many registered traders within a category, multiple ads may be considered.